Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter!

Our internet has been down so this Blog is a little late. Last week we decided that we wanted the Easter Bunny to visit us in China. We picked names out of a cup and on Saturday we went shopping for that person. Before we went shopping we decided that we were going to have an amazing Sunday dinner! We decided that we would have garlic mashed potatoes, veggies, corn on the cob and we went to good olKFC and got chicken. We need some meat in our Sunday dinner but we don’t want to buy the meat! It is so sketchy and scary. When we got to the store we split off, Jadie and I then Mandy and Emily. When we got home from shopping we played Pass the Pigs and Emily made us a cake that was so good! It was chocolate cake with rainbow sprinkle frosting on top! It was very American and very fatty. Jadie cheats at Pass the Pigs, I don’t know how but she does, she won both times. Mandy, Jadie, Emily and I then climbed in Jadie’s bed and we watched Jurassic Park, we haven’t seen it in a long time and it is scarier than I thought! We were trying to sneak around but it is hard to be sneaky when 5 other girls are trying to do the same thing. It was no surprise when we got up, the Easter Bunny visited all of us! Lindsey and Amy made us sweet rolls for breakfast that were very American as well. We are getting smarter in making American food. Then we watched the Sunday morning session of conference, which was really good, Jessica our friend from Ireland came over to celebrate Easter with us, she is such a cute girl. We had dinner and it was amazing! We didn’t eat the veggies, carrots and broccoli, because we found bugs in them but everything else was bugless, Mandy and I then taught the girls hand and foot-now we play it all of the time! Overall it was a very nice Easter.

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