Thursday, June 25, 2009

#2 Favorite Thing I Love about China - Shopping

The shopping here is fun!!! We go shopping pretty much all the time and every time we go out someone has to buy something. The Chinese people are very talented and take a lot of pride in the things that they have made by hand. They are usually selling these items on the streets. If you walk by them without purchasing the items they holler after you yelling, "cheap, cheap." They know that American word very well :) The shopping is very cheap and just last week I got two pair of shoes for $15. I am going to miss buying things for cheap. I can definitely say that between the six of us we have helped out the Chinese economy. Pray for me that my suitcases are not overweight!

A street market where they sell their homemade items.

Street vendors selling fruit and vegetables.

Nothing stops us from shopping...not even the rain!!!

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