Monday, March 9, 2009

Lindsey's Birthday

Today is Lindsey's birthday! She turned 19! It was an eventful day, after teaching we went and bought bikes. We bought our bikes for $150 Chinese money, which is pretty good, that is about $20 in America. We love our bikes, they will get a good use for the next 3 and a half months. We rode our bikes to Little Italy for dinner, we were the only ones in there, they are never really busy. It is a real Italian place, they had pizza, pasta, steak, chicken, salads and dessert, and they have a real Italian Chef! He had a greasy ponytail and he was a bigger man working with a bunch of skinny Asians. Me, Mandy, Jadie and Lindsey got the chicken but Jadie and Lindsey shared. Emily got Lasagna and I'm not too sure what Keegan got, something with noodles and red sauce. Amy, our head teacher, wasn't there because she is out of town until Thursday. My meal was so good! The chicken was tender, it didn't have bones or tendons in it, it was normal good American/Italian chicken. It also came with potatoes, those tasted so good, we haven't had potatoes in a long time. All of the sudden the waitress brought out a cheese pizza! The chef cooked us a pizza! We didn't even have to pay for it! It was so delicious, cheesy and it had very little red sauce, which I like. We bought Lindsey a Chinese birthday cake, the last birthday cake we got was at Ryan's birthday party and it had beans in the center! We were praying that the cake we got Lindsey didn't have beans in the middle. We were going to eat it at the restaurant, so the waitresses put it in the fridge for us. We decided that we were too full to eat Lindsey's cake there, while we were talking and laughing they bring us out a little drink. It was green and it smelt very limey. Jadie took a little sip and we could tell by her face it was bad, then Keegan said it burned. Sure enough, we came to the conclusion it was some kind of alcoholic beverage! That was very nice of them to share their very strong drink with us but we left with our glasses full. Don't worry, we know better. Plus who would want to drink that crap? It smelt so strong and Keegan said it burned! Sickos. As we left, Jadie hooked the cake on to the back of her bike and we drove away. Jadie was having a bad day anyway, and as we left the restaurant, she hit the curb wrong on her bike and she fell, with the cake. We all ran over, the cake was smashed but it was still OK, oh and Jadie is ok as well. We got back to the apartment and ate the cake, it was so good and it had fruit in the middle! Not beans! We were so relieved. Annie, our Asian who helps us with things, called after we ate our cake and told us that Mandy, Emily and I had packages at the gate of the kindergarten we live at!!!! She is also coming over around 10 tonight to wish Lindsey a happy birthday and to give her a cake:) Me, Mandy and Emily ran down the stairs, I knew what I was getting because I have been waiting for over a month, but my parents only sent it 3 weeks ago, it was my CAMERA!!!! We got our packages and ran up the stairs and opened them, I have my camera that my family took a cute picture and a video, THANK YOU!!! It also had a shirt which is new and very cute, THANK YOU!!! And Altoids, THANK YOU!!! This package was highly needed, I'm glad I finally got it, now I can stop bugging the other girls to take pictures for me. Thank you again! You guys are the best! Anyway, I'm pretty sure there will be a lot more stories to tell on my blog now that we have bikes, they are pretty entertaining! Thank you for your love and support!


  1. You're welcome for the camera! You're welcome for the shirt! You're welcome for the altoids! We are glad the package finally arrived :) Love you!

  2. Sorry, that last post was from Celsie & Mom. We don't know what happened was freaking out :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was wondering what was going on and then it said anonymous, I read them and figured out it was you two! You guys are funny. Thanks for posting a post and I'm glad I finally got my package too!

  5. Ok that post I deleted says EXACTLY what the 4th post says, I just had a little spelling problem that I had to fix.
