Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jadie with her kids
Me teaching Emily's class, we made happy face sandwiches!

Cute little Jackey in drama, he is adorable! He looks good in those shades!!!

Emily teaching my class, Peter is in the orange (he is a wild child, I try to get mad at him but I can't do it, he is just too stinkin' cute!), Rebecca (she is half Spanish, half Chinese) to Peter's left, Lake's head is being covered (Lake is a big boy) Lucy (is probably the tallest girl at this school) and Ray, he is one of my personal favorites-he is so cute and such a sweetheart.

Mandy teaching Lindsey's class. Lucas is sitting next to Mandy, he is the one in the glasses-he is so cute and very smart! Suzie is the one to the left of Mandy, she is very smart as well but very stubborn.


  1. Cute pictures and cute kids. It is nice to see you girls in action. You all have the craziest hair over there (no offense), but it is like "fly-away" hair.

    Love ya,

    Uncle Roger

  2. Hey, it is hard to keep my hair under control!!! The asians love us anyway:)

  3. How cool! The kids are the cutest. The motorcycle rides looked pretty scary! Hang on tight! Stay safe and have fun.

  4. Rach I hope you are having so much fun we miss you!!

  5. The kids are so cute! I love them more and more everyday! The motorcycle ride was pretty fun, it wasn't a far distance to go, don't worry! Oh Yvonne! I am having a blast and I miss you guys!!!
